
Big Little Lies: Twitter goes crazy for Alexander Skarsgard's penis

Alexander Skarsgard got naked a LOT in HBO's vampire drama True Blood, but still, viewers of Big Little Lies got more than they bargained for on Monday night's show, when they appeared to see his penis.

Skarsgard, who plays Celeste's (Nicole Kidman) abusive husband Perry Wright, was trying to fight with her in a shoe closet after she turned down his advances before they were going to see a show.

He wrangled with her, flies open, and soon emerged what commenters on Twitter determined was either the "biggest dick on earth" or some kind of rubber hose. It's Orlando Bloom's penis shadow all over again.

Spoilers: it probably was a rubber hose.

Celeste understandably was not up for this kind of approach, and whacked him in the balls with a tennis racquet. Go Celeste! Perry, learn some f***ing respect.


Larita Shotwell

Update: 2024-05-18