
Journalist CHRISTOPHER DICKEY has written a new memoir abouthis relationship with his father, ...

Journalist CHRISTOPHER DICKEY has written a new memoir abouthis relationship with his father, the late poet and novelistJames Dickey. It's called "Summer of Deliverance: A Memoirof Father and Son" (Simon & Schuster). DICKEY writes thathis father was "a great poet, a famous novelist, a powerfulintellect, and a son of a bitch I hated." But Dicky writesthat he also loved his alcoholic, abusive father. And as anadult, he picked up his relationship with his father again,after a 20 year abscence. One reviewer writes, "Aheartbreaking, eloquent memoir by the son of theheartbreaking, eloquent poet." (THIS INTERVIEW CONTINUES INTOTHE SECOND HALF OF THE SHOW).. 12:28:30 FORWARD PROMO (:29)12:29:00 I.D. BREAK (:59)12:


Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-04-08