7 Most Shocking Things We Learned From Curtis Armstrong's Tell-All

5. The Good Book:
"Tom wasn't f--king around. Actually, I take that back. He was. With Rebecca inaccessible, he started cutting a wide swath through the local talent. Not that I noticed right away. He self-identified as a born-again Christian and the rumor was he had actually considered shepherding souls for a living. I could believe it. Away from the set, initially, Tom made straight arrows look like corkscrews. I would ask him at the end of the day if he would like to join us at the bar for a drink. "
"'No,' I recall him saying, 'Got an early call tomorrow. Got to work out still, study my lines. And then I like to read the Bible a little before bed.'"
"I laughed. He didn't. 'Ah,' I said, cutting off the laugh at the pass and nodding wisely. 'A little bit of the Good Book before bedtime, eh?' 'Yeah,' he said. 'Just a little at night. Keeps me on the right track, you know?'"
6. Late-Night Snacks:
"But then, returning late one night, I found three or four young girls—late teens, I suspect—lined up in the hall outside of Tom's room. I remember thinking, 'Tom's going to be really upset if these hot girls interfere with his Bible reading.' So I asked them, with all the stern gravitas of my 28 years, if there was something I could do to help them. They just stared at me, and at that moment, Tom's door opened and another girl came out, adjusting her hair and taking off down the hall, while the first girl in line slipped into Tom's room. This was a young man who knew something about time management and understood how to successfully juggle Bible study and blow jobs. I went to bed alone that night thinking it served me right for not being religious."
7. Lasting Impressions:
"I recorded my impression of him in the journal I kept during that time: Tom's an interesting character. Can't really make him out. He would appear to be on the brink of a great career. But when it comes to doing things with him—socially or professionally—he's not terribly reliable. Always late, very casual with other people's time. But in spite of it all, it's difficult not to like him. Though it's early days, the rehearsing I've done with him has gone smoothly. No arrogance or selfishness there. Yet. We'll see."
For all that and more, check out Armstrong’s book Revenge of the Nerd when it hits stores July 11.