Stacey Solomon axed celeb mum smoking pregnant - celeb news

Stacey Solomon has been axed from a Celebrity Mum Of The Year competition.
The X Factor star was among 18 star mums up for the prize, which she won in 2011. However, she has since been cast out of the competition, after she was snapped smoking despite being seven months pregnant with her second child (read below).
Solomon's management released this statement about her axing: "Stacey has apologised and is sorry and embarrassed by her actions. We understand Stacey is doing everything she can to stop smoking and in recent times has cut back dramatically. "She's naturally disappointed but accepts the decision."
Speaking via a telephone link-up on ITV chatshow Loose Women this afternoon, Solomon said she understood why the images had generated such a volatile reaction from the public.
"All of the responses are something that I deserve," she said. "I don't for one minute think I can sit here and say it is okay - so I can accept that kind of criticism and although it's not nice to hear [the health risks] I know that it's true, and maybe that will give me more power to stop it and nip it in the bud. "There's ups and downs to people being critical because it makes you think, 'Oh my God, I really must sort this out'. And you feel even more guilty than you already do because, don't get me wrong, I felt guilty before all of this came out. "But there is a little a bit of you that thinks I love my children with all my heart so some of the comments are a little bit harsh."
She added: "It's absolutely devastating not just because I saw [the pictures] in the paper - it's something I'm not proud of and I'm really, really struggling with in general. "It's not just because everyone knows now. It's something that I don't want to do and that I'm not happy doing so it's horrible." On giving up smoking, she said: "I really have been and am in the process of [giving up] before these pictures came out. It's a horrible habit and I care more about my children than anything in the whole wide world so anything I can do to give up means more to me than anything else or what anyone thinks."
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At 09.00am, we wrote...
Stacey Solomon has confessed that she is "hugely embarrassed" after being photographed smoking while seven months pregnant.
The former X Factor contestant, who was voted Celebrity Mum Of The Year 2011, was snapped smoking four cigarettes in two hours during breaks outside The Works photographic studio in Fulham, London, during a shoot.
Solomon told The People: "I know it doesn't look good but I only have a few cigs a day. I don't think I've let down my fans, but I do get a little stressed at times and a ciggie helps me calm down.
"I desperately want to stop smoking and I don't want to set a bad example. It's a tough habit to break but I'm going to give it my best shot."
The singer, who also has a three-year-old son named Zach, said that she smoked six cigarettes a day, as doctors told her quitting would be "more stressful" on her body during pregnancy than continuing to smoke.
However, Deborah Arnott, Chief Executive of charity Action On Smoking Health, disagrees with this diagnosis.
She said: "If Stacey is smoking at seven months she's got a serious problem. She is to be pitied as she's obviously heavily addicted. She needs help not condemnation."
Solomon is currently expecting her second child with fiancé Aaron Barnham.